Thursday 1 August 2013

Edinburgh 2013 Physical Review: Confused in Syracuse (OPS Theatre)

If you think of Ancient Greece, you’re probably not picturing a centaur whose backside has emancipated itself. Add a raunchy love triangle and you’ve got ‘Confused in Syracuse’, a bawdy slapstick farce from St Petersburg based company OPS theatre. Energy is there in buckets; unfortunately, substance is not. Fake boobs and fart jokes abound, though both ends of the centaur do a cracking job of tottering around for an hour on wonky stilts. The production seems unable to decide if it’s a sketch show or a play, and a combination of no dialogue with only sporadic choreography neither clarifies the plot nor warms you to the characters. Not bad for an occasional giggle, but expect to be left feeling very confused (in Syracuse).
C, until 26 Aug (not 13), 3.30pm.
tw rating 2/5 | 

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